Well tomorrow Truett will officially be 4 months old. He's getting so big and so verbal! We have had a couple of problems though. He's been breastfeeding for 4 full months. He has done great and
Truett is babbling all the time and loves to get going, really loud. Him and his daddy talk (jabber) and it's precious. He loves to get our attention and will squeal and look at us until we look at him. He rolls over from stomach to back, when coerced and often needs a little "help". He held his bottle last night for about 15 seconds (that's the first time he ever tried). He has been drooling a great deal and even has a little rash under his chin where it dribbles down. He also has had other teething symptoms (I won't go into details). He does not have inflamed gums, but chews on everything.
We are enjoying MO as much as you can with a 4 month old. We went to a really nice area last weekend. It was like an outdoor mall, with nice restraunts. We ate at a place called Brio's (Italian restraunt). I tried to convince Wayne to eat at PF Cheng but he wanted to eat somewhere we haven't been (I can't blame him). The food was great and we walked a good bit. Truett did great and only took one short nap while we were there, but fell asleep on the way home and slept for 1.5 hours then. Well that's about all. I hope we go home soon!