Friday, August 22, 2008

The price of staying at home... part 1

I'm told often that I'm "lucky" to get to stay at home with my child(ren). I would say yes, I am, but it is way more than just THAT. I knew before having a family that my goal was to stay at home with my children. I wanted a safe, secure, healthy environment for my family. I knew that God created a family to be his picture of Christ and his Church. Wayne, being in a sense, Christ and me in a sense, the Church.

Our children are to be molded into their roles. I can not imagine handing that responsibility over to anyone else, ANYONE else! Not my mom, not my home church, daycare, or nanny. My secondary goal was their education. I am a byproduct of "public" school education and while many would say "See, you didn't turn out THAT bad", I know it has taken me many of years to undo what has been twisted into my brain as correct and fact.

With that being said, we didn't win the lottery or somehow save a lifetime's savings overnight. We knew we wanted to start our family and made necessary adjustments in the process. We were use to 2 brand new vehicles, a nice home, nice vacations, nice clothes and some would say a pretty good status for two young married twenty somethings. We were in a sizable amount of debt. We were living the American Dream!

Wayne and I sold both brand new vehicles and bought 2 used (10 year old) good conditioned vehicles. We stopped our shopping sprees and sold our home. Radical you say, NOT REALLY. Not when you value one thing over another. Whatever it took for us to get out of debt and allow me to be at home with our children was what we would do.

My pride hurt more than anyone will ever know but I am learning more and more about Christ likeness and humility. I'm being broken and poured out. I'm home with my little arrow and my cup runneth over.


Chrys and Mike said...

amen, sister! well said.

mike and i attended a home school convention this past weekend and got to attend four sessions taught by doug phillips of vision forum. i think you would have appreciated what he had to say. so challenging and so motivating.


Anne Lang Bundy said...


I just bumped into your profile and thought I'd say Hi. You caught my eye with your "married to my physical Jesus" tag. Aren't our marriage relationships pretty awesome as a picture of our divine romance? Who but God could have done this?

I'm looking forward to meeting you in person some day.
