Friday, October 31, 2008

Where has October gone?

Tomorrow will be November 1st!! Less than 4 weeks until Thanksgiving and less than 8 weeks until Christmas. Time is flying by, and I can't seem to slow down enough. I want Truett to enjoy so much so fast that I think I forget to enjoy it. We had a blast at our church's "Fall Festival". I see more and more of Truett's "self" seeping through. I know he is a fallen boy and he is by nature a sinner, but up until now it has been REALLY hidden behind his sweet exterior. Now he understands others get their way by whining, screaming, crying, so he is "trying" it out. He is progressing very well. Wayne and I aren't taking the bait. We have had some testing days but he's just continuing to try and see where our limits might be. I hope this is a natural progression of his new skills and character and finding where"THE" powers be! :) I know I'm probably like most parents with little boys, or maybe it's the parents with a first child (:P). I have lots of learning ahead of me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I remind myself at night, this is the only chance I have to influence my child(ren) for the Lord. I get one chance and I am so incapable. I pray God just works a miracle through Wayne and I because we have such a far way to go!

I said "Truett, put it on your lips." Somehow he came up with this!

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