Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How and when we found out we were expecting!!

We were in Bloomington, IL for Wayne's work when I realized I was late starting my monthly. I thought I was only 1-2 days late but then I added it up and it was more like 5. I immediately thought it was due to me getting off the pill that same month. I had heard that after you get off sometimes you will have abnormal monthly cycles. I talked it over with Wayne and we decided I would pick up a pregnancy test the next day while he was at work. I couldn't wait the next day until he got home so as soon as I returned from the store I took the test. The line was so faint I took 2 more tests and both came back with even darker lines. I was surprised, excited, scared, and worried. When I talked with Wayne (before he came back from work) about the tests and he said "nah, it's probably wrong... try another test". I said I would and by the time he was back at the hotel I had another test completed and I was definitely pregnant. We talked and talked, we were thinking we were not going to become pregnant for 2-5 months. This was the 1st month off the pill. Then after discussing everything and knowing God controls everything, we just said "Oh well, this is what God wanted for us" and were fine with it all. We did not tell anyone because we wanted to see the OB and make sure he/she was in there and ok. We figured after 12 weeks or the first ultrasound and then tell everyone. It was June 3, 2006 when we found out, I was 5 weeks pregnant.

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