Hey guys! I wanted to ask a favor to all 3 of my blog readers, since our new addition will officially put an end to our WHAT (Wayne Heather And Truett) era. I don't think WHATJ will not be the cutest blog name, I wanted to get your opinion and feedback. If I select your blog name I will send you a $25 gift card to Target.
November is still far off, but I'd love to get a new blog look up way before then. Please let me know what you think we should change it to. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! Good luck !!
Oh, and any advice on how to make this blog more helpful would be greatly appreciated. Should I put more recipes? less about me, more about issues? less about issues? more about embarrassing daily happenings (I have PLENTY)?
I think you should name it:
If I win I'll split the gift card with you. :-)
JETT?!? I saw the WHATJ and I just knew you were going to name him JOSH!!! You have no idea how disappointed I am. I think you should name it "pickles"... by Heather Mullins. Let me know when you need my mailing address.
Oh...... you have to approve it. That stinks. How am I supposed to leave inappropriate comments?!
You guys are too funny! You should have been brothers! I changed my settings, Josh, so now you should be able to post hateful comments :) Just a word of advice, I can still delete the comment.
I think I'm going to enter my own contest! I suggest lovingmyblogginglife.com or mamatoboys.com. Hey, I need diapers for the newest member of our family!
Hey Heather, It's Emmy. Just found your blog through facebook... I like your idea maybe you could do a play on words & have
Mama2boys.com, since you have 2 boys now or Mamatwoboys.com. Lovingmy3boys.com or BoyBliss.com Frogsinmypocket.com (I don't know made me think of Gabriel & being a mother of a boy.) Or you could keep WHATJ & also spell out We- Honor-and-Trust-Jesus, I like acronymns. That's all I got for now....
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